France: Paris Hotels
Paris is a romantic city…so where you stay can impact your trip (and your relationship). Depending on how much you want to spend, here are some highlights…
Or save a few bucks and still stay by the Champs-Elysées…the most famous street in Paris. The Hotel Delarc is located in the heart of Paris near the Avenue des Champs-Elysées and the Arc de Triomphe. The hotel offers 32 rooms, with a simple, sleek style…some rooms have a small private garden or a Parisian balcony.

Hôtel DelArc, 7 rue du Colisée, Paris, 75008,; 33 (0) 1 43 59 32 40; Email:

Reservations can be made by phone: 01 44 05 70 00 or by email –; Hôtel Juliana; 10-12 Rue Cognacq Jay – 75007 Paris; https://hoteljuliana.