Two Denver Colorado Attractions, Botanic Gardens, Zoo

When visiting Denver, Colorado, here are a couple of attractions that you won’t want to miss. Both are great for kids and adults who want to experience some time with nature and wildlife. No rough hiking is required. The Denver Botanic Gardens has an impeccable reputation and is one of the top five Botanic Gardens in the Country. CLICK HERE if you would like to read an article about ETG co-founder Richard Bilow’s experience. See info on the Denver Zoo below. 

Four Towers Pool and the Science Pyramid; All images of Botanic Gardens courtesy of ETG

Denver Botanic Gardens has a beautiful array of international plants from Japan, China, South Africa as well as the tropics. Here are just a few of the highlights. Visit the website below to find out more. 

Shofu-en Japanese Garden 

Shofu-en translates to ‘Garden of the Pine and Winds.’ Colorado’s Rocky Mountains inspired this traditional Japanese garden. It features 130 ponderosa pines transplanted from the foothills of Rosevelt National Forest above Boulder, Colorado. It was designed by Koichi Kawana, a famed landscape designer, and was dedicated in 1979.

Spotted Tiger Lily; photo by Richard Bilow

June’s Plant Asia

This intimate garden features eastern Asian plants, including peonies, bamboos and wild-collected species from the steppe regions of Kazakhstan and Pakistan.

Boettcher Memorial Tropical Conservatory

Dedicated in 1966 and awarded Denver Landmark Status in 1973, the Tropical Conservatory is one of the world’s most unique displays of exotic plants from tropical and subtropical regions. Midway on a circular path is a fabricated two-story banyan tree that offers a multi-layered view of the indoor tropical forest.

Denver Botanic Gardens
A 360 degree camera was used to capture this photograph in Boettcher Memorial Tropical Conservatory

Artist Residency Program at the Denver Botanic Gardens

Denver Botanic Gardens is also a supporter of the arts, offering an artist residency program called Land Line. By celebrating individual perspectives and also encouraging creative exchange, the residency program seeks to inspire and bring awareness to nature and explore humanity’s unique connection to the landscape.

The public is invited to enjoy walking tours, live music, even classes in the gardens. Check the website for ongoing events. Botanic Gardens, 1007 York St., Denver, CO 80206;

Another popular attraction is the Denver Zoo. Here you will find everything from an African Black footed Penguin to an Asian Elephant. Let’s not forget lions and tigers and bears too. In 2021, the Denver Zoo commemorated 125 years of operation.

Up-Close Look Giraffe Feeding; Photo courtesy of Denver Zoo

You won’t want to miss the “Up-Close Look: Giraffe Feeding.” Engage with the reticulated giraffes while learning about their prehensile tongues, strong hearts, and distinctive ossicones. Guided by knowledgeable giraffe experts, this encounter promises a unique glimpse into their world.

Denver Zoo’s Commitment to Conservation

At the Denver Zoo, conservation drives every endeavor. Collaborating with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), the zoo champions animals through voluntary initiatives such as the Species Survival Plan. Moreover, active participation in conservation and research initiatives within the Zoo amplifies our impact.

So be sure to pop by the Denver Zoo. It’s a great way to connect with all those cute animals. The Denver Zoo, 2300 Steele Street, Denver, CO 80205;

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